About Us

What I learn today, prepares me for tomorrow

Our personalised and flexible approach to teaching and learning will ensure that your child is placed at the heart of everything we do. Our team of brilliant staff are highly skilled, caring, hardworking and committed to promoting every aspect of your child’s intellectual, social, emotional and physical development. We understand and appreciate that progress for every child will look very different and we recognise this in numerous ways. We promote a positive and supportive culture in school where every achievement is recognised and celebrated.   

We know how valuable each day at school is. We therefore work hard to ensure that all of our pupils are happy, safe and have access to a meaningful, FUN and balanced curriculum. You can find out more about our curriculum by visiting the relevant pages on this website.  

We see parents and carers as key partners in the education of their children and aim to work very closely with families.  We have a calendar of events which you are encouraged to attend and we will communicate with you through our home-school diary system, but you are also very welcome to come into school at any time to discuss any issues, concerns or ideas that you may have. You know your child best so we believe that working in partnership is the best way forward.   Our vision is for Barndale House School to become a centre of excellence within the field of special education, training and support and together we will make sure that we continue on our journey towards this goal. We may be a small school (at the moment!) but we have some big ambitions.   

A small school with big ambitions!
Our Mission Statement
At Barndale House School we are committed to providing a high quality education in a safe, welcoming and supportive environment where different abilities and individuality are accepted, respected and celebrated.  We believe that every child and young person has something special to offer the world and that our school is a place where this can be nurtured and realised.
Our Values

As a school we value:

-          Kindness – looking after each other

-          Equality – feeling special

-          Respect – looking after our school

-          Co-operation – working together

-          Determination – aiming high and trying your best

Our values underpin everything we do at Barndale and have been agreed in consultation with staff, pupils, parents and other members of our school community.  Our values are embedded within all aspects of school life and are promoted through assemblies, lessons, social times and other extra-curricular activities. 

Our Aims:

All of our learners will…

  • have access to a meaningful, creative and balanced curriculum which enables them to progress socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically
  • receive high quality teaching, learning and care within a happy, fun and stimulating environment
  • develop the skills to interact and communicate with others and to enjoy positive, meaningful relationships with a range of people
  • become confident, active participants within their local community and beyond
  • be prepared for an adult life in which they have the greatest possible degree of independence