Progression Pathways- Beyond Barndale

Our offer: 
Helping plan the next steps is a really important part of what we do here in Barndale. For our young people this can be really daunting and equally so for parents and carers.
As such we support all of our pupils in planning for their future. Hence our motto 'What I learn today, prepares me for tomorrow...'
This page will hopefully give you as parents/carers the opportunity to see what is available in our region. The provider list is not exhaustive or promoting any over others but hopefully open the range and options available to our young people.
As for all young people at the age of 16 they can start to determine their own pathway.  This could be: 
  • stay in full-time education, e.g. at a college.
  • start an apprenticeship or traineeship.
  • work or volunteer (for 20 hours or more a week) while in part-time education or training.
Further information can be found here: Talking Futures guide to pathways
For our young people we support them in deciding what education or training they would like to do and help them source the best provision to access this- which could be ourselves or another provider. 
Our careers guidance officer: 
Michael Holliday
Michael has recently been appointed as the lead practitioner for the careers guidance team. We have a service level agreement for Michael to come in and work with our pupils to ensure they are getting independent advice about their futures. Michael will complete interviews, assessments and communicate next steps with the young person, school and parents/carers. 
Key Local Providers: 
  •          Northumberland Skills- based in Berwick and Alnwick
  •          Northumberland College- providing Vocational courses and foundations in Land based, catering, mechanics, animal care and other areas
  •          Northumberland Apprenticeship Service
  •          Northumberland Adult Social Care- specialist centres for providing Preparation for Adulthood
  •          Azure Enterprises- Cramlington
  •          Blyth Star Enterprises
  •          NHS Project Choice- supported internships
  •          Buzz Learning College- supported internships
  • Brightside Adult Services