Consultation - Young People’s forum
Wherever possible, our young people are encouraged to make choices about the day-to-day running of the residential provision and their daily routines. We ensure that we provide appropriate communication resources to enable our young people to express their views and wishes. We also listen to parents, carers and other advocates on their behalf. We hold a residential forum every half term covering a range of items including activities, menus, redecoration and equipment.
Independent Visitors
Standard 3 of the National Minimum Standards for Residential Special Schools stipulates that Barndale House Residential Provision arrange for a representative who is independent of the management of the school to visit the Residential Provision six times, spread evenly over the course of the academic year and complete a written report on the conduct of the Residential Provision.
Written reports of all monitoring visits are provided to the head teacher and presented to the governing body.
Independent visits are unannounced.
The governing body and Senior Leadership Team has identified Jacqueline Wilson to conduct the independent visits.
Jackie is newly retired, she has 20 years’ experience working in children’s residential care and was employed by Northumberland County Council.
Jacqueline (Jackie) can be contacted by Email:
Independent Person
Standard 17.2 of the National Minimum Standards for Residential Special School stipulates that Barndale Residential Provision identifies a person independent of the whole school community who children may contact directly about personal problems or concerns at the school.
The independent person visits regularly every half term and is easily accessible at all reasonable times.
The governing body and senior leadership team has identified Claire Forster as the Independent Person.
Claire is a qualified social worker and has a vast amount of experience supporting, children, young people and thier families throughout Northumberland.
Claire can be conacted by email:
How to make a complaint
The Resi provision has a complaints procedure that is readily available to all our young people residing and anyone who wants to make a complaint. The complaints procedure is displayed in a simplified pictorial format on the Resi notice board, on the school website and in the young person’s guide.
Our young people are encouraged to voice and share any concerns with whom they choose.
Additional contacts to make a complaint:
Mrs Jacqueline Wilson Independent Visitor C/O Barndale House School, Howling Lane Alnwick, NE66 1DQ |
Mrs Sue Wildsmith Chair of Governors C/O Barndale House School, Howling Lane Alnwick, NE66 1DQ |
Ofsted Piccadilly Gate Manchester M1 2WD Telephone 0300 1231231 |
Governor Monitoring Visits
Sue Wildsmith is our allocated residential link governor who conducts monitoring visits every term.
The aim of the visits is report to the governing body on the conduct of the residential provision. The main focus will be the overall experiences and progress of the CYP, How well the CYP are helped and protected, and the effectiveness of leaders and managers.
In addition Sue ensures the views of our young people are expressed, heard and acted on.
Written reports of all monitoring visits are provided to the head teacher and presented to the governing body.
All monitoring visits are unannounced.
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Young People’s Services and Skills. They inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. They also inspect and regulate services that care for young people and young people.
Ofsted regularly inspects Barndale House Residential Provision, usually once a year. Ofsted produce a report of their findings, You can access and read our full report on the following link: